Our education programme provides regular events designed to meet the educational needs for appraisal. Our CPD is continually being improved and extended.
By joining SET you can be assured that your CPD needs will be addressed and you will enjoy the benefits of meeting other local GPs both on a professional and social basis.
We work closely with our local GP training scheme to provide up to date and relevant events for trainees and established GPs as well as other allied health professionals.
In addition to our CPD programme we also run a separate programme aimed at sessional and locum GPs.

Anna Woodman
Chair & Tutor
Anna joined SET in 2022, as a GP ST3, nearing completion of training. She has a keen interest in medical education having completed her Postgraduate Certificate and previously worked as a Clinical Teaching Fellow at Swindon Academy. Outside of work she enjoys exploring the great outdoors and when family life allows she is currently learning how to sew.

Christine Isaac
Chair & Tutor
Christine joined the SET team as a GP tutor in the summer of 2024, having been a trainee in the Swindon patch prior to this. She has remained at her training practice as a salaried GP. Outside of work she enjoys cooking, gardening and time outside with her young family.

Kim Taylor
SET administrator
Kim has worked with Swindon GP Education Trust since 2017. She enjoys being part of creating a great educational programme for our SET members and looks forward to seeing them at our courses each week! She is originally from South Africa and is married with two busy football crazy boys. She also enjoys playing field hockey.

Michala King
GP Training Programme Manager
Michala has been part of the SET team for the last 11 years having worked at Thames Water prior to this. She has 2 children and enjoys irish dancing and bootcamp fitness.